Love Apple products, so do we. Don’t be a hater, just embrace the Apple!

Linux isn’t for everyone, but don’t assume Linux is an OS no one uses. You’d be dead wrong!

Keen to Windows, hopefully, we have something here for you!
Xbox One Live and SonicWALL
What you can’t hear me…?
Let’s get that Xbox to NAT Type: Open.
Multiplayer - Check!
Xbox Live - All Features - Check!
Linux Is Too Difficult
Well, if you want to dive deep into Linux, sure there is a learning curve. But is it difficult? Not really, learning to drive a standard vehicle is probably more difficult than learning Linux!
Macs Are More Expensive Than PCs
This may seem true at first, but if you take a PC and customize it with identical specs of a Mac you end up with close to the same price tag. Not a cheap netbook or Chromebook, but a top of the line XPS or equivalent.
Android – A Great Phone
If you don’t mind being spied on. Keep thinking you don’t have anything to hide!
What’s this?
These quick blurbs provide a quick explanation for many misconceptions in the tech world or funny sayings… Especially when it comes to the world of Apple, Linux, and Windows!
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Server
Webmin and UniFi on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Server
“Recently I created a virtual machine using Ubuntu Server 18.04.1. The purpose of this server is to run the UniFi Controller to manage my in-home UniFi Pro AP Units.”

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